1. Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

Handling of Personal Information

All board members and employees of Nouvelle Vague Company Co., Ltd. (hereafter, referred to as company) recognizes the importance of personal information and have established the following policies to properly manage and protect all personal information.

Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

When acquiring personal information, we will specify the purpose of use and acquire only the necessary information by legal and fair means.

Management, Protection and Education of Personal Information

We will pay the utmost attention to handle personal information and will take necessary safety measures to prevent risks such as leakage, loss, or damage. In the unlikely event, we will take necessary actions promptly. In addition, we conduct an online course once a month to educate our employees regarding the handling of personal information.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not provide acquired personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual, except in the following cases.

  • ・When a customer requests a provision of products, services, information, etc. and the company deems it necessary for its realization.
  • ・When disclosure / provision is requested by a business partner for operational purposes and the company deems it necessary.
  • ・When there is a valid reason such as when a disclosure is required by law

Disclosure / Correction / Deletion of Personal Information

If a request is made to disclose, correct, or delete an individual’s personal information, we will promptly respond within a reasonable range.

Legal Compliance

We will sufficiently comply with laws, government guidelines, and other regulations regarding the handling of personal information.

Inquiries Regarding Our Privacy Policy

Yombancho Bld. No.1 5F 5-6 Yombancho
Chiyoda Ward Tokyo 102-0081 Japan
TEL 03-3288-4851 FAX 03-3263-3585
NOUVELLE MÉDIAS Co.,Ltd. Legal Department
* Business Hours (Weekdays) 10:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
If you have any questions, please send your inquiries from Contact Us